

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

"Mana semangatnya?"

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

Hari ini setelah lewat beberapa tahun hilang kontak, gw akhirnya ketemu lagi sama salah satu dedengkot aktivis kampus jaman gw kuliah dulu (Sebut aja namanya dengan A'a R. Kenapa A'a R? satu, karena memang orang Sunda; klo huruf R-nya mah karena memang namanya dimulai dari huruf R; Kenapa g gw tulis aja nama aslinya? karena blog ini merupakan area publik, g etis aja rasanya kalo gw tulis nama aslinya disini).
Awalnya tuh gara-gara gw nulis pesan di wall dia nanyain dia punya blog apa nggak.. eh dengan semangat 45, A'a R langsung nelfon gw. Akhirnya, gw pun meladeni si A'a dengan semangat 45 juga.. Alias langsung ngajak ketemuan hari ini juga.. hehehehe.. dan jadilah gw (dan laki gw) meluncur ke daerah kediaman A'a R di bilangan Kalibata.
Berhubung si A'a g ngasih tau alamat lengkapnya, jadilah gw dan laki gw nungguin dia di depan Taman Makan Pahlawan Kalibata. G nyampe 10 menit, A'a nongol ngejemput kita berdua sama temennya.

Seperti yang masih gw inget.. A'a tetap mempertahankan kebiasaannya jaman dulu tiap ketemu gw.. YA!!! Masih aja tuh pipi gw dicubitin!! (Padahal udah g se-gembil dulu kan ya, A? Berat badan gw kan dah turun 20 kg sejak jaman kuliah!).
Dan masih aja A'a ribet nyiapin biar orang-orang yang datang berkunjung merasa nyaman.. Sampe g enak hati jadinya... Mulai dari teh botol sampe kopi (Padahal hari ini gw dah ngopi 3 gelas!! Berhubung g enak hati kalo nolak, gw tenggak habis tuh gelas kopi ke 4 gw hari ini!!), rokok, sampe Indomie goreng... bahkan A'a sempet-sempetnya mainin gitar sambil nyanyi-nyanyi kecil biar tamunya g bosen nungguin Indomie mateng! (Salut untuk keramahannya, A'a R!!!!).

Setelah basa-basi sebentar dan ngenalin laki gw ke dia, kita pun bernostalgia tentang masa lalu. Tentang jaman baheula waktu reformasi masih bergema gaungnya. Kita juga saling update kabar kawan-kawan sesama aktivis kampus dulu. A'a cerita bahwa si "D" sekarang buka bisnis sendiri sambil jadi dosen di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di jakarta; Si "E" sempet terdampar di Macau (tujuan awal "E" adalah kerja ke New Zealand.. malah jadi korban penipuan penyalur tenaga kerja dan nyasar di Macau), trus di tahan karena visanya habis dan akhirnya bisa pulang ke Indonesia; A'a juga cerita tentang salah satu dedengkot aktivis seangkatan dia, si "G".. si "G" sempet mensuplai arang untuk pasar-pasar tradisional, padahalnya tadinya kerja si "G" tuh sebagai salah satu staf PBB; Tentang si "A" yang punya restaurant di daerah Kuta, Bali; Tentang "MY" yang jadi fotografer; Tentang "N" yang akhirnya sukses berbisnis dan punya kartu nama dengan ciri khas logo kapal tanker; Tentang si "M" yang kerja di salah satu provider telekomunikasi swasta di Indonesia; si "P" yang sudah menikah tapi kurang produktif; sampe ke si "DM" yang katanya kerja di salah satu departemen store di daerah Kelapa Gading sebagai Supervisor dan agak-agak trauma kalo harus berhubungan dengan "lingkaran aktivis/mantan aktivis" (termasuk gw)!.
Gw sempet nanya sama A'a "Kenapa sih si "DM" trauma?" A'a pun ngejelasin ke gw, bahwa sejak gw absen lama dari pertemuan-pertemuan kawan-kawan.. banyak kejadian heboh... mulai dari "GD" yang harus diadili karena perbuatan makarnya (ngebakar foto penguasa), keciduknya 12 anggota organisasi kita saat lagi demo di depan Kejaksaan Tinggi, sampe divonisnya "C" yang dihukum seumur hidup karena kasus mutilasi.... dan yang terakhir disebutin itu yang bikin kawan-kawan bubar jalan... yang (menurut A'a) juga bikin "DM" trauma.... bahkan kasus yang terakhir itu masih belum bisa di bahas secara terbuka diantara kawan-kawan... Ya iyalah pada TRAUMA!!! Mutilasi gitu....... Gw aja yang denger ceritanya telat, masih kaget... Gimana dengan kawan-kawan yang sehari sebelumnya masih berinteraksi dengan "C"??

Well, intinya udah banyak yang berubah... Ada yang udah nikah, udah punya anak, ada yang baru mau nikah, ada juga yang masih bujangan... Ada yang sukses (Takaran sukses itu apa ya?), ada juga yang masih begitu-begitu aja (Termasuk gw nih kayanya.. masih begitu-begitu aja)... Ada yang punya bisnis, ada yang jadi karyawan, ada yang milih jadi profesional... Sepuluh tahun lalu, kita semua masih berstatus mahasiswa...
Alesan gw nulis ini sebenernya karena gw sepaham ma A'a... Jangan sampai silaturahmi terputus... Meskipun jarak misahin kita semua, meskipun waktu kita untuk nongkrong dan diskusi g sebanyak sepuluh tahun yang lalu.. Bukan berarti kita udah saling ngelupain.. Bukan berarti kita sudah tumbuh jadi makhluk yang individualistis.. Toh, udah bukan jaman rikiplik... udah ada Internet... Bisa kirim email; bisa chatting lewat YM, Skype, Facebook, Twitter... Bisa juga tukeran Pin BB...

Kalo boleh, gw cma sekedar pngen ngingetin kawan-kawan (Halah! Sok Bijak dan Sok Arif bener sih gw!).. Jangan lupa untuk saling sharing pengalaman, Berbagi ilmu, saling kasih pendapat dan saran, kasih kritik, kasih kerjaan (kalo ada emang ada project-nya.. kenapa g?), dan terutama saling ngasih semangat.... Karena (seperti yang sudah gw alamin) hidup itu kaya roda yang selalu berputar.. kadang posisi di atas, kadang di bawah.. Semua pasti ada masanya.. Perubahan itu selalu terjadi... Persis seperti yang dulu kita koar-koarkan "tidak ada yang abadi di dunia ini selain perubahan itu sendiri"..

Inget g jaman dulu A'a R suka tiba-tiba bilang "Mana semangatnyaaaaa?" (dengan intonasi suara khas yang cuma bisa dibikin sama si A'a) tiap ngeliat kita pada buntu ide... Kalimat simple dari A'a R (plus nyanyian yang diiringi petikan gitar si A'a) bisa bikin kita bersemangat lagi..
Jadi, gw harap tiap kawan-kawan lagi lesu dan kurang semangat.. Inget aja gaya kocak A'a R dan kalimat khasnya itu... dijamin.. pasti semangat lagi (kali ini semangat untuk cari duit, bukan untuk demo atau untuk diskusi kaya jaman dulu).. Yah minimal 'kan bisa senyum-senyum sambil ngebayangin gayanya si A'a yang kocak tapi tulus untuk nyemangatin kita...

"Mana Semangatnyaaaaa ?"

The HORRORS of High Heels

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

When it comes to high heels, women regularly sacrifice their sense of comfort in order to take fashion statement.
Most women willing to sacrifice everything to make them look sexier, including their own health. Of course, by wearing high heels any women can simply look sexier and taller.
Did you know that there's risks on wearing high heels most of the time? here's few risks that can be suffered caused by wearing high heels in long term.

Immediate Risks:The Stumble Factor
When a woman slips her feet into a pair of high heels, she immediately changes her center of balance and general ease of walking. This leads to the risk of a rolled or sprained ankle or twisted or sprained knees. What started out as a night on the town in a great pair of heels can end with a trip to the emergency room and a plaster cast.

Long Term Risks: The Effect of Heels on a Body
If you've noticed that you stand differently in heels than in flats, you're not imagining things. The body's alignment shifts forward, which places pressure on points of the body that were never built to sustain that stress. Osteoarthritis is common among women who have worn high heels for much of their adult lives. Low back pain is another common side effect of long-term heels use.

How to prevent injury and be able to keep on wearing that sexy heels?
1. Wear your high heels only on very special occasions.
2. If you must wear heels, remember the Three Hour Rule: wear heels for no longer than three hours at a time. When the time comes that you slip those heels off, try to pamper your feet as much as you can. Skip the ballet flats / sandals in favor of well-cushioned, supportive sneakers or padded dress shoes. By letting your feet rest and get some support, you will be able to balance out the effects of those stylish yet painful strappy designer heels.

*from many sources.

Di ujung lorong itu..

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

Kadang-kadang (seringkali di tengah malam buta seperti ini),
aku mengingatmu..
Rasanya seperti menyesap kopi hitam lampung tanpa gula; pahit. Lengkap dengan rasa terbakar pada lidah akibat dibuat dengan air yang mendidih dengan suhu sempurna dan sedikit rasa ampas tersisa ditenggorokan saat ditelan.

Saat ada rongga kosong pada hariku (seperti saat ini),
benakku berkelana..
Seperti menyusuri lorong gelap berdebu menuju sebuah pintu dengan pendar cahaya di kejauhan.. sebuah lorong waktu menuju masa lalu.
Dan aku menemukan diriku, berjalan perlahan.. menuju pintu tersebut.. terkadang dengan hasrat ingin membukanya, terkadang hanya berakhir dengan termenung berlama-lama di depan pintu tanpa usaha sedikit pun untuk meraih dan memutar gagangnya..

Aku paham, apa pun yang dibalik pintu tersebut adalah hal-hal yang sesungguhnya telah aku ketahui.. hanya saja aku biarkan terkubur dan berusaha untuk lupakan.. dan pendar-pendar cahaya itu adalah gumpalan titik cahaya dari berjuta memori di masa silam.
Cahaya dibaliknya pun begitu mempesona sekaligus menyilaukan; sangat silau hingga bola mataku rasanya seperti ditusuk oleh seribu jarum sekaligus bila aku menatap cahaya tersebut terlalu lama.. berakhir dengan air mata berwarna merah gelap serupa darah.. yang tidak hanya mengalir dari mataku.. tapi juga dari hatiku.. Karena aku tau, apapun yang berada dibalik pintu tersebut sudah berlalu.. bagian yang terlewati akibat dari putaran detik, menit, jam, bulan, dan tahun yang terus berjalan tanpa henti...

Suka atau tidak.. lorong itu tetap ada.. lengkap dengan pintunya yang terpasang kokoh diujung lorong..

Namun kini, saat ruang kosong hadir pada waktu malamku..
Alih-alih membiarkan benakku berkeliaran di lorong itu, aku memilih untuk tidur saja.. membiarkan kelamnya malam dan rasa kantuk menyelimutiku..
Hingga saat esok tiba, aku punya cukup kekuatan, kesadaran, dan kearifan untuk menghadapi hari baru..
Karena toh, jam waktu selalu berputar tanpa henti.. dan masa lalu memang tidak bisa dirubah, hanya bisa dijadikan pembelajaran sebagai bekal menghadapi masa yang akan datang..

Old vs New

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

OK, I finally finished renewing my blog performance.. from a plain white with a little bit of gray color, to a cheerful blue and yellow.
I also learned how to install few widgets based on HTML (never thought I could but after few FATAL errors I made that crashed my site, i finally made it!! YAAAY!!!). Pay attentions on the new floating "twitter follow me" widgets, the "I love Indonesia" badge, and the music plugins :)
I also wrote few new posts, hopefully everyone will enjoy the posts.
I will try to write something really interesting for people to read, since I'm only an amateur blog writer.. I promise will try harder in future to write better posts.

but for now,
Cheers!! and enjoy my blog new performance :)

Recommended : The Big Bang Theory TV Series.

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007. The show is produced by Warner Bros. Television and Chuck Lorre Productions.

In August 2009, the sitcom won the best comedy series TCA award and Jim Parsons won the award for individual achievement in comedy. In 2010, the show won the People's Choice Award for Favorite Comedy, while Parsons won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series.
When the third season premiered on September 21, 2009, it ranked as CBS's highest-rated show of that evening in the adults 18–49 demographic (4.6/10), along with a then series-high 12.83 million viewers.

Set in Pasadena, California, the show is centered around five characters: two roommate Caltech geniuses, experimental physicist Leonard Hofstadter and theoretical physicist Sheldon Cooper, their neighbor across the hall Penny, an attractive blonde waitress and aspiring actress, and Leonard's and Sheldon's friends Howard Wolowitz, an Aerospace engineer and a non-PhD from JPL, and Rajesh Koothrappali, a particle astrophysicist postdoc also working at Caltech. are their equally geeky and socially awkward co-workers and friends. The geekiness and intellect of the four guys are contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense.

While watching the show, you may find yourself a little bit confused on most of the lines the characters said, but hey its OK.. most of their lines got to do with the physic theories which are not common to be used on daily lives. Its how NERDS sees the world in their point of views; not on common senses.
On this show, you might noticed that Physicians pay attentions on little details in every conversation, but lost track on the main idea that they're discussing; and thats the beauty of this sitcom. Its the kind of show that makes you laugh and smart in one time.
So if you're interested in watching a smart sitcom, this show is a must to be seen show on Television history.

*from many sources.

Recipe Manager

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

I dont really have anything to say about this post..

I hope this widget could lighten up your "no idea what to cook today" situations..

What I missed most about Bali..

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

I stayed there for 6 years during my degree..
I got accepted on one of the public universities in Indonesia..
That time, I was not so excited for leaving Jakarta (though im very thrilled that I got accepted on the public university)..
I had to stayed somewhere around 745 miles away from my beloved Grandfather, I had to leave my comfy bedroom and moved to a strange new place..
Sure, everybody recognize BALI as the Paradise Island or The Land of Gods..
Everybody else (but ME; that time) will be excited to actually moved to Bali..
But now, after finally left Bali on 2006.. I admit that I do miss living there..

Its not just about the night life and all those cool clubs in Kuta area; Its more to sit at the Kuta beach, with a bottle of beer/a cup of coffee while watching the sunset with the wind running through my hair.

Its not just about the Sukawati Art Market or Legian Street where you can shop 'til you drop; Its more about walking around Majapahit street and find every merchandises that every shop in Sukawati Art Market and Legian Street sell, but in more cheaper prices.

Its not just about eating in Bebek Bengil Ubud; Its more to the society of Ubud that actually very nice, friendly and know each other well.. you wont feel like a stranger if you hang around in Ubud area.. Ubud society will treat you exactly like you're one of them.. Soon, you'll find yourself invited to one of their after parties (though you've only known them for 15-20 minutes before!).

Its not just about canoeing in Sanur beach; Its to sit and relax with a good book on your hand in one of the Circle K's near the Sanur Beach with "not so much crowded situation".

Its not just about having fancy dinner at Warung Made; its more to culinary experiences.. you can try the famous "Nasi Pedas" near the Kuta police station, the original "Betutu Sambal Matah" placed on Suli Street, the crowded "Cak Asmo" restaurant on Sanglah area, or you can also try "Nasi Pecel" and "Nasi Tipat Tahu" at Sanglah Traditional Market.

Its not just about watching the balinese dancer on their show; Its also about watching them during their traditional dancing practice every afternoon at the "Bale Banjar".

Its not about driving along the Bypass road on your way to Ngurah Rai Airport; Its more to looking at the "almost extinct" Mangrove that placed on the left side of the junction (just before you turn right to go to the airport if you drive from Sanur; if you drive from Nusa dua, then the mangrove is on the right side of the junction).

Its not just about snorkeling, diving, and riding banana boat at Nusa Dua or Benoa; Its more to snorkeling and diving on "Bali Barat National Park" and see the coral reefs conservation.

4 years passed after I left Bali and moved back to Jakarta,
I thought I have seen everything that the island got to offer.. but still, its not enough.. I miss my live there..

It wont be enough..
Coz once you visit Bali (or if you're lucky, actually stay there), you'll realize that there's no place on earth can ever compete with what it has to offer..

17 years and forever more..

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

After 80-something relationships i had, I finally found the right person to be with. My childhood crush..

He's one of my best friend from childhood, I had a crush on him when I was on my 5th grade (thats mean im only 10 years old that time), and apparently he felt the same way.
I haven't met him for 15 years before the 2009 reunion. As I reckoned, our last phone call conversation was on 1994..
Who thought that one stupid elementary reunion could turn us into a lifetime lover? (I didn't believe it in the 1st place, but HEY.. we sure did!). Its like a fairy tale; where after all the suffer, the main character finally got the happily ever after ending.

Of course, those years of separation did change us into a different person we used to be when we were a child. But somehow, that feeling we have for each other since our childhood survives until the day we meet again... and the feeling keep growing more and more each single day..

Both of us changed and grew up.. we both had our ups and downs..
I'd spent my time in the past with some bastards, he end up wasting his time back then for a drag queen. (Not all of my ex's are bastards, few of them are truly nice.. but his ex is surely a fraud. LOL!). We both learnt from our experiences, we had our heart torn apart by the time we see each other again.. and right now, we try to fix each other wounds..

Its didnt take longer than 5 minutes for us to realize that we're meant to be.
Its like its been written that way..

Sure, sometimes I wonder.. what if I never wasted my time in the past with those bastards? What if he never wasted his time for that hideous drag queen? but if none of those things happened, then maybe.. we'll never meet again in the future and become a lover like today..

Sometimes, there's few little things that people have on their relation that we dont.
We dont have a love song, we've dedicated all love songs to our former couple.. but it really doesnt matter, no love song leave us with golden silence.. The kind of silence we both need..
We dont give each other nicknames, we've used all the common nicknames in our former relationships.. So we prefer to call each other with our real name.. Just like we did when we're a child.
We didnt need long introductions to our family members, because most of our family members recognizes us already.. (or at least, they remembered the name part).

Its been a year since i met him again after those 15 years of loneliness and those 17 years of childhood crush.. and we have forever to spend together...
So I guess, that 15 years without him does worth..
and fairy tales do exist..

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