
berhenti merokok...

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

Yeah, gw tiba-tiba kepengen aja berhenti ngerokok.. cuma jujur aja, SUSAH banget!!
Makanya gw bikin tulisan di blog gw untuk mengingatkan diri gw sendiri akan bahaya rokok terhadap kesehatan.. mudah-mudahan selesai nulis tulisan ini, gw sudah berhasil untuk menaklukkan nafsu ngerokok gw yang amat besar saat ini!!!

Gw yakin semua perokok pasti pernah ngeliat tulisan peringatan kaya begini di balik bungkus rokok kan?

G cuma itu aja bahaya rokok terhadap tubuh manusia... terutama untuk perempuan... hasil penelitian pada wanita hamil kan bahwa rokok menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan insiden keguguran.

Perempuan yang merokok sangat mungkin untuk mulai memasuki masa menopause sebelum usia 45 tahun dan juga membuat mereka menghadapi resiko osteoporosis dan serangan jantung.
Coba diliat baik-baik gambar yg ada dibawah ini... ngeri banget kan?

Rokok mejadi berbahaya terhadap kesehatan karena selain tembakau, rokok juga memiliki berbagai macam zat kimia yang membahayakan kesehatan tubuh di dalamnya..

Gw sendiri merupakan seorang perokok berat yang sedang mencoba untuk berhenti.. Segala macam cara udah gw coba lakukan dan GATOT alias GAgal TOTal! yang paling susah tuh ngilangin rasa asem di mulut terutama kalo selesai makan...
Well, readers.. tolong doain gw supaya berhasil menghalau godaan untuk merokok ya.. Gw kepengen banget bisa berhenti ngerokok....

When I was young...

Posted by BuNgAnJaSH

When I was young,
I only think about today, never about yesterday, and none about tomorrow.
As I got older,
I've arranged today's schedule since last night, planned about tomorrow, and laugh about yesterday since I've lived my life to it's fullest.
When I was young,
I wish for time to stop and stood still.
As I got older,
I'm grateful for every hour that I've spent, for time had changed me well.
When I was young,
I want to live forever and barely think about death.
As I got older,
I realize that nothing immortal, think about death and prepare my self good for it.
When I was young,
Broken heart seems like the end of the world.
As I got older,
I've learn that wounds can heal, and there's always another love story.
When I was young,
I thought that first love stays forever.
As I got older,
I've learn that it's not the first that matters, it's the last one that truly matters.
When I was young,
I often cried for simple things.
As I got older,
I've learn that my tears are too precious to be wasted on small things.
When I was young,
I think that I could be what ever I want to be as simple as 1 2 3.
As I got older,
I've realized that I have to know my best quality first and work hard in order to reach my goals.
And as time passed by,
I know that life has thought me lots and there's still more to learn.

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